Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Studio for all Seasons.....

Well here we are again.  The rain is beating down outside, green tree frogs are stuck to the studio windows and it is humid as hell - Welcome to the country...!!
January is creeping by and the year is getting underway. Christmas and New Years were hectic for me and my family. New home, new studio, new schools, no coffee ! Arrr...We are in the country and the nearest 'latte' is at least 5kms away. On the plus side our neighbours are terrific. Tim has already baled us out of a couple of sticky situations. He's probably already fed up with the 'City Folk'. So to new beginnings and wonderful endings. As we said farewell to our beautiful friends in Sydney and our life for 14 years we said hello to a new and exciting chapter. With this brings new challenges, particularly for me. I am trying to adapt to a new way of working whilst pushing my photography forward. But I am excited, the wonderful Marcus Bell is in Brisbane and I shall be visiting his studio. He is an award winning wedding and portrait photographer and definitely worth looking up at
The tale end of last year so me fitting in quite a few jobs and in particular shoots for my good mate and top chef Darell Falstead at the Foveaux, a PR event and also a wedding. I haven't shot one for nearly 5 years and it was a challenge. This week I am playing around with and trying to learn how to use Marcus Bells layer Textures and Borders, these are truely terrific tools to have for creativity. The trick will be to not go over the top as my wife has already noticed. We'll see....Below are a few pics for consideration....